
Eye Definition

What do you know about the eye definition biology? Just learn about human eye facts and you will get precious information about it. You can define the eye as an organ of vision which makes you visualize the world around you. The eyes are two in number and each is placed inside specialized compartments in the skull.

The human eye is the organ which enables you to see. The human eye does not only let you view the scenes and phenomenon in your surroundings, but also enables you to differentiate between colors. Sometimes, there is a minor defect in the eye function and the individual cannot make difference between the red and green color. What is the name for such a condition? Well, you call it ‘color blindness

Eye function renders you the sense of sight. They convert light into electrical signals. Afterwards, the brain deciphers these electrical signals into images. Properly working healthy eyes are able to perform the following functions.

It is one of the important human eye facts that they help us view our surroundings.

Our eyes enable us to see colors. Certain organisms, such as dogs, cannot see colors and, so, their world is black and white.

Eyes help us see near as well as distant objects.
When we see an object, light is reflected off it into our eyes.

The light rays entering our eyes first pass through the pupil. These are the muscles of iris that control the size of the pupil.

After passing through the pupil, light passes through the transparent lens of the eye. There occurs the refraction and focusing of the light rays on the retina.

Light sensitive cells, rods and cones, present in the retina covert the light rays into electrical impulses. Isn’t it one of the most amazing facts about eyes of human beings.

The optic nerve transfers these electrical impulses from the retina to the brain which then processes these signals and translates them in the form of an image.