
Nose Definition

There are lots of amazing human nose facts which you may not be aware of. Also the human nose has got incredible importance in the life of an individual. For example, according to the nose definition, it serves as a passage for the entry of fresh air into your body. In other words, function of nasal passage is to assist in the process of respiration.
Human life will cease to exist in earthly atmosphere without fresh air. You get oxygen from the fresh air through nose. Here, you can call oxygen as the elixir of life. Across civilizations, man has been in search of good air.

In other words, healthy air is a primitive physiological need for humans. They base their existence on it on earth. But they failed to realize the importance of nose in human body. In addition to useful information, you will also come across various nose facts in this article.

The function of nose in respiratory system is very important. It is responsible for choosing, filtering and inhaling the atmospheric oxygen. The incoming oxygen is in sufficient amount to meet body needs. This article also throws some light on the basic parts of the nose and their functions.

Contributing to Facial Beauty:
Regarding it function, here are some interesting nose facts. Nose is the most prominent and perhaps the first attractive feature of the face. It occupies the central position along the geometrical division of the face. The organ has two chambers which divide in proportion by a septum.

These are the two nose parts. The human nose structure and function is of special interest for the biology students. It truly contributes to the overall beauty of humans.

After its purification, the air enters the middle nose for humidification. Meanwhile, the nasal cavity also warms the air to match body's internal temperature. Here is one of the wonderful nose facts. Before you accuse someone for not trimming his nasal hairs, remember they are inhaling better air than the rest of us.

⇛ A nasal septum separates the nasal cavity to form two equally dividing nostrils.

⇛ The fine hair or cilia in the nose collectively behave like a mechanical filter.

⇛ The atmospheric air is pre-treated to match body's temperature during inhalation.

⇛ The nose and the eyes are made of ethmoid bone. The ethmoid bone is present now
here else in the body other than the eye orbits.

⇛ One of the little interesting nose facts is the presence of Little's area at its interior aspect. This area may cause serious bleeding of no specific reason with constant picking of the nose.

⇛ Depending on their race, the individuals may lose their sense of small with age.

⇛ Which is the oldest sense in your body? Well, it is smell!

⇛ It may be one of the strange nose facts that women have a better sense of smell than that of men.

⇛ If someone has a long nose, they will show a good sense of business and respond positively to your leadership.